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Authorized distributor


Light Stick ENERGO TEAM Night WASP

The light stick offered by EnergoTeam consists of a liquid in an outer cartridge and a powdered reagent in an inner glass cartridge. When the glass ampoule is broken, these two substances mix, resulting in a greenish light due to a chemical reaction. Thanks to this solution, the light stick has a long lifespan, and its shelf life is longer than that of light sticks that contain liquid components.
Article code:
Price with VAT:
0,70 €
Na zalogi

The light stick offered by EnergoTeam consists of a liquid in an outer cartridge and a powdered reagent in an inner glass cartridge. When the glass ampoule is broken, these two substances mix, resulting in a greenish light due to a chemical reaction.

Thanks to this solution, the light stick has a long lifespan, and its shelf life is longer than that of light sticks that contain liquid components.


  • Dimensions: 4.5 mm x 39 mm
  • Packaging: 2 pieces

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