Hagopur Wild Boar Stop

The rummaging activity of the wild boar seeking food in the meadows causes economic damage. "HAGOPUR Wildschwein-Stopp" is extremely effective, because it leads on account of his intensive concentrate of odors to a clear reduction of wild boar damages in corn areas, wine areas and cultivation of potatoes areas as well as physical properties and gardens. Wild accidents in streets can be reduced likewise considerably. "HAGOPUR Wildschwein-Stopp" is absolutely environmental-neutral, so harmless for person, animal and nature. Numerous references of customers confirm to the product average damage reductions of approx. 80% in o.g. to ranges of application. • Application / impact: By means of a spray valve "HAGOPUR Wildschwein-Stopp" on the felt depots is sprayed by special aluminium stripes. These aluminium stripes already provide with light breath of wind for movement, constant noise development and light reflexion. The combination of these components, in connection with the smell going out from the felt depots, provides for the unique success of "HAGOPUR Wildschwein-Stopp". Trained biological interlinking means leave the smell quite bit by bit. According to weather the smell sticks approx. 2 - 4 weeks and should be renewed accordingly regularly. • Tip from the practise: For the following areas "HAGOPUR Wildschwein-Stopp" is used in combination with the special aluminium stripes also with very good success against suppressing by roe deer game and red deer: As a surface protection in the hop and wine cultivation as well as for the protection of private gardens and new planted trees.
500 ml spray