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Authorized distributor

Reversible Savane Ghostcamo hunting vest
Reversible Savane Ghostcamo hunting vest
Reversible Savane Ghostcamo hunting vest
Reversible Savane Ghostcamo hunting vest

Reversible Savane Ghostcamo hunting vest

The SAVANE hunting vest is made for hunters. It has reinforced shoulder pieces so you do not hit the rifle too much when shooting. On the back side there is a large pocket for pocket (pheasant, rabbit, duck) or some accessories you carry with you on a hunting pocket, replacing a smaller backpack. The pocket on the back is plasticized from the inside (yes, the blood does not go through or dirty other clothes). On each side, there are 9 bullet holes or balls and two large pockets (left and right). There are two pockets on the inside and a hook for carrying a boot. On the other hand, it is orange and suitable for skins and drives. The orange side is in the GHOSTCAMO pattern and PVC is waterproof.
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  • Materials: Khaki front, 801% polyester, 20% cotton
  • Ghostcamo Blaze&Black interior 100% polyester
  • 100% polyester anti-perspiration mesh
  • Shoulder pads
  • 2 large pocets with press-stud fasteners with 2 rows of cartige belts (bullets and shotgun shells)
  • Ring for carrying game
  • PVC lined game bag
  • PVC coating orange side

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