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Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Saturday: CLOSED!

Sunday and holidays: closed!


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At Avantura store, you can pay in up to 12 installments with NLB cards: MasterCard, Visa, Karanta, and Diners Club.
The minimum installment is 60 EUR.




Authorized distributor

Thermal underwear - set - GENERATION 3 - black

Thermo underwear - Set - GENERATION 3 - Black

Thermo underwear - Set - GENERATION 3 - Black. Lower thermal underwear of the third generation of the function Extended Cold Weather Clothing System (ECWCS). The kit includes a thermal tank top and shorts. A fabric is elastic and thus allows for optimum fit to the body and movement. The interior is designed to retain the maximum amount of heat and moisture through the overflow in this made micro-channels. High insulation guarantees great comfort in all cold weather.
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SZaloga je46,50 € ADD TO CART
MZaloga je46,50 € ADD TO CART
LZaloga je46,50 € ADD TO CART
XLZaloga je46,50 € ADD TO CART
XXLZaloga je46,50 € ADD TO CART
XXXLZaloga je46,50 € ADD TO CART
  • 95% polyester and 5% spandex
  • high throughput breathing
  • fast drying
  • elestično
  • generation 3
  • in accordance with the specifications of the US Army
  • wicks moisture

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