Sound Suppressor NIELSEN Sonic FRITZ 45 - 5/8x24 UNEF max 8

In accordance with Slovenian legislation (ZORo-1C), the possession and sale of firearm suppressors are entirely legal and unrestricted. No permit is required for the purchase, ownership, import, or export of suppressors in Slovenia. While these products can be shipped to any country, it is the buyer’s responsibility to comply with the laws of their country of residence. AVANTURA TRADE d.o.o. assumes no responsibility for the buyer's compliance with local regulations or for any financial losses incurred if the products are seized by local authorities.
Nielsen Sonic 45 Fritz is a sound suppressor designed for semi-automatic AK-47 and AKM and other threaded carbines. This sound suppressor is suitable for assault rifles equipped with front sights, with little space for mounting suppressors for installation. This suppressor is best used with calibers 7.62-7.9 (max 8 or max .30).
- Manufacturer: Nielsen Sonic (Denmark)
- Thread: 5/8x24 UNEF
- Caliber: max 8